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Some Japanese words 


ai(i with accent) - fire

aki - autumn

Anzu - apricot

Bishounen - pretty/handsome, "pretty boy"

Chibi - little

Daijoubu - it's allright/okay

Demo - but, however

Densetsuno - legendary

Domo Arigato - Thank you very much

Hayuku - Hurry up!

Hontoo (ni) - Really? (This is usually very sarcastic as compared to "Soo ka?" which means the same thing without the connotation)

Inu - dog

Kawaii - cute

Kaze - wind

Kita - north

Koi-Ai - love

Kuso - damn

Nande? - what?

Nani? - huh? what?

onna - woman

Otaku - obsessed fan, anime fan

otoko - man

Reikai - spirit world

saa- okay, allright

senhi - warrior, fighter

Shi - death

Shine! - die!

shoju - anime animed towards girls

Shounen - anime aimed towards boys

Tsuki - moon

Wakatta - I understand

Yume - dream


Akai - red
Kiiro - yellow
Midori - green
aoi - blue
murasaki - purple
momoiro - pink
kuroi - black
shiro - white


Ichi - 1
Ni - 2
San - 3
Shi/yon - 4 yon is used more than shi because that also means death
Go - 5
Roko - 6
Shici/nana -7
Hachi - 8
Kyuu - 9
Juu - 10
Juunana - 17
Juuhachi - 18
Nijuu - 20

ka-indicates a question 
o- something being done to you
no- usually means of


Gomen - sorry
Sumimasen - Im very sorry, Excuse me!, to get someones attention
Doo Itashimashite - its okay, think nothing of it

Not Polite

baka -idiot/stupid
kurejii - crazy
onore - bastard/jerk
Nande kuso? - what the hell?
kuso - damn, s***


O genki desu ka? - are you all right, how are you?
nanigoto desu ka? - is everything all right?


Ohayoo! - hi!, good morning!
Ohayoo gozaimasu - good morning
Konnichi wa - good afternoon
Konban wa - good evening
Ossu! - Hi! (informal)
Aa - yes, yeah, sure
Ja ne - see ya!
Joodeki! - good job! way to go!

Me and You

watashi - yourself: used by royalty and people wanting to seem polite
Watakushi - yourself: extremely formal
atashi- yourself: flirty girls and gay men only
boku - yourself: tough, for girls. for boys, kind of sissy
ore - yourself: tough, slangy
Anata - polite, formal form of you. Girls almost always use this. Used when addressing elders. Can mean "lover"
Anta- you: less formal, guys use in normal conversation. girls who use boku for them selves might use this, it sounds toygh.
Kimi -you: friendly, guys who use boku use this. for girls, its sounds very tough
Omae- you: antisocial or very upset girls use this. If this is used, usually ore will be used when talking about self. If you don't know the person, it can be taken as hostile/disrespectful.
temae - you: rude, more rural


-kun - term of affection.used for boys...like Bakura-kun!
-himo - term added to princess' names
-sama - term of extremely high respect..used for someone of much higher rank
-san - shows respect, like Mr. and Mrs.
-chan - used by close friends, between high school girls, to young girls, and as a term of endearment between sweethearts...also for pets
-nai - negation
-tachi - and the others (Airi-tachi..airi and the others)
-gumi - people who hang around someone
-go -language of a group
(o)joosan - young girl, someone else's daughter, miss
oo (-sama) - king
jo'oo (-sama) - queen


add -chan, -sama when appropriate
(o)kaasan - mother
(o)tousan - father
(o)niisan - older brother
otooto - younger brother
(o)neesan - older sister
imooto - younger sister
(o)jisan -uncle, middle aged man
(o)jiisan - grand-father, older man
(o)basan - aunt, middle aged woman
(o)baasan - grandmother, older woman
musuko (-chan, -kun) - son
musume (-chan) - daughter



Some Excellent Japanese Anime/Language Sites

Kanji Name Project
100 Most Essential Words in Anime
Artemis' Guide to Japanese
Anime Terms
A little Japanese (good site!)
Japanese word list

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